During development of this blog with Gatsby , I came across an interesting problem. I was trying to build the layout for the blog listing page. The posts were supposed to be grouped by year and then items in each group were to be sorted in descending order based on their dates. This part was easy using just GraphQL:
query {
sort: { fields: frontmatter___date, order: DESC }
) {
group(field: fields___dateYear) {
nodes {
frontmatter {
date(formatString: "MMM DD")
fields {
Note: I have created a custom field `dateYear`, which is being used to group posts by year.
But if you take a look at the GraphiQL Explorer, you’ll see there is no option for sorting:

Fortunately, in my case, I was receiving the group array in ascending order. All I needed was some javascript logic to reverse the array and return the posts as list.
.map(blogPost => {
return (
// Logic to display posts
This looks okay, but causes a problem. Every-time a user navigates back to the blog listing from any other page, the array is again reversed due to React re-rendering the page.
Not Cool.
The solution I found was to create a shallow copy of the data array and reverse that, which returns a new array, so it doesn’t get affected on re-render.
.map(blogPost => {
return (
// Logic to display posts
You can check this logic out in the blogpost.jsx of this blog!